Twitter Tweets To Us
“Your store is super duper.” - Clark Kent, Metropolis
“Dear Store Guys, I'm tired of being a teenager.” - Archie
“Hi SMALL STORE PEOPLE, You know what? Amazon sucks , you guys are gods.” - Jeff Beebozos
“Last time I was in your store I had a religious experience.” - Pope John, Paul, George and Ringo
“WOW!!! I just won the lottery and I'll buy everything in store.” - Alfred E. Newman
“When did time start and where does the universe end.” - Albert E. Lee Einstein
“You are the best store ever, I love everything about you. Please marry me.” - Kim Cardashin
“How much for the whole store? Also how much are old white house collectibles worth?” - D. Trump
“I noticed your stocks are trading the highest on wall street. $18,000 per share!” - Michel Douglas
“Is Arrows husband’s name Bow?” - Tonto
“I cant get no satisfaction, unless I'm shopping at SFOOTP.” - Mick Jagger
“Do you guys carry any of Elon Musk's Civilian Flame Throwers?” - James Bond
“I need about 100 eight tracks of any kind of music by Tuesday. Can you hook me up?” - Kenny G
“If it makes you happy, buy it at Second First.” - Arrow